In Direct , the SCIP database (SCIP = Substances of Concern In Products) of ECHA, the European chemicals agency, was activated. Fatigued is implemented in Germany in the Chemicals Act. WIKA had already been in a position to enter data by the cut-off date and therefore also support customers with the reported SCIP numbers.
The EU chemicals regulation REACH had already entered into force in 2007. REACH means Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of CHemicals. The aim of this regulation is to disclose hazardous material properties of products in the supply chain and to inform customers of ones classed as SVHC = Substances of Very High Concern.
The SCIP database now supplements the REACH regulation. There, all products that contain SVHC substances must be registered by the firms that bring them into circulation. A SCIP entry of this kind includes information regarding the merchandise (unique identification code, customs tariff number, item category, notes on safe use) and also the required SVHC details (name, CAS number, material category).
Well represented in the SCIP database
Waste separation and recycling are increasingly being considered from the start of the production cycle. The database is intended to aid the circular economy also to make available information regarding hazardous substances by the end of these life cycle to waste recycling companies. This database has been available since October 2020 and it already contains five million entries ? including 1,400 from WIKA.
More info on WIKA are available on our website.