Life in numerals and measurements

It is a numeral on the alarm clock that tells me when I should get up. For example today, a perfectly ordinary Thursday. The week is already well advanced and I’m correspondingly tired. But none of that is of any help, and because each morning this tiny little numeral resides within me, I love getting up at that time.
Well then, legs on the edge of the bed and I drag myself into the bathroom. Once again, I am met by way of a numeral. While I can easily adjust the moment I am awoken by my alarm clock, the numeral on my accursed scales will not seem an easy task to influence. Or, at best, in the long-term. I decide at night to go jogging, but first splash my face with water. Even then, Simple see a numeral with my inner eye ? the water meter can be running.
Refreshed and dry once more, I immediately encounter another numeral. The thermometer tells me that I will wear a jacket today when I go out. And although it really is just a short distance to the automobile, I am glad within my own private measuring station for that little bit of advice. Once I reach the car, I am met by the next numeral. My arrival at work will likely be delayed by a few minutes because I need to fill the fuel tank en route. When I reach the filling station, I’m able to check another numeral, one that indicates my tyre pressures. A thing that I really do not check often enough. Also, while my fuel tank is slowly getting filled, I ask myself if anyone has had the trouble to check the fuel pump utilizing a standardized 5-litre canister. Why not? You see, it is quite normal for the official from the calibration authority to check on the accuracy of everything on a regular basis. In Fight , we can depend upon the point that everything is getting measured accurately.
My extended solution to work takes me past a big building site. What beautiful machines! Especially with the cranes ? once again with that inner eye of mine ? I could see so many numerals: The weight raised on the boom will be monitored, and angles are getting measured. When approaching the limits of the tipping lines, even the thrust and support forces become of interest. EASILY had the time, I’d stand at the boundary just like a small boy and simply stare at all of it.
Then, finally, I reach the company and a perfectly normal Thursday follows its usual course. As always, numerals are at work here, ones that ultimately co-determine our lives. Regardless of what we do, and where we may go, measurements are omnipresent. Once you start great deal of thought, the list just keeps getting longer: I see the world in numerals because we here at WIKA divide up the everyday things into numerals. We can build scales with load cells, and we can establish the temperature with measuring sensors. We can measure pressure in three various ways. We can measure flow rates and levels. We are able to measure tension and compression forces and we can calculate angles. We can make entire systems safe by monitoring measured values. Anyone who knows metrology sees the world through different eyes. Does that apply to you, too?
More info on our measuring instruments are available on the WIKA website.

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